Thank you for your interest in joining us at our seminar and helping to support Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid
We are excited to be re-launching our Lying, Cheating, and Stealing seminar originally conceived by Joe Anthony as a way to bring together great legal minds to share innovative approaches and strategies for handling lawsuits involving the liars, cheaters and stealers that are frequently closer than you think! Here in 2022, while lying, cheating and stealing hasn’t gone away, the level of complexity is new and the secrets and solutions for handling these issues are fresh. We’re excited to share them with you in this packed one-day seminar.
In connection with this event, we have committed to match the $15 fee of everyone who registers and attends the seminar and contribute it to Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid.
October 6, 2022
8:30 am to 5:30 pm
Continental breakfast, Lunch and Happy Hour provided
The Reserve at Wells Fargo Center
90 South Seventh Street
Seventh Floor
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Approved for 5.0 hours standard and 1.0 hours ethics credit
8:30 am to 9:00 am – Registration, Check-in and Continental Breakfast
9:00 am to 9:15 am – Welcome and Introduction
Joseph W. Anthony (Anthony Ostlund), LCS Founder
9:15 am to 9:45 am – Stealing the Business: Minority Shareholder Squeeze-Outs
Speaker: Richard T. Ostlund (Anthony Ostlund)
This presentation will address the traps for company counsel when a shareholder is squeezed out, and how minority shareholders can use conflicted actions by company counsel to build their legal claims. It will also contain a discussion of various examples of minority shareholder squeeze-outs in context with the various traps and pitfalls that counsel on both sides of a business squeeze-out case should know about and learn to avoid or address. [0.5 Standard CLE]
9:45 am to 10:15 am – Cheating on the Valuation of a Company
Speakers: Randy G. Gullickson (Anthony Ostlund) and John H. Heidebrecht (ValuationUSA).
As is commonly known, valuing a business is an art, not a science. During this presentation, the presenters will discuss the various ways a valuation can be impacted by someone willing to cheat to get the valuation outcome they desire and how to both catch the cheating and use it to your advantage. Various strategies to avoid, address, and counter efforts to cheat on valuation will be discussed, alongside examples of such efforts from real cases. [0.5 Standard CLE]
10:15 am to 10:45 am – Cheating on your Spouse Who’s Also Your Business Partner
Speaker: Janel M. Dressen (Anthony Ostlund)
This presentation will discuss the negative consequences of a cheating spouse on a family business, including discussion of real case scenarios and the various strategies and legal considerations that must be considered when addressing business break-ups in spousal business partner situations. Indeed, “No fault divorce” may not apply in the business context. [0.5 Standard CLE]
10:45 am to 11:00 am – Break
11:00 am to 11:30 am – Stealing the Brand: Trademark Infringement/Unfair Competition
Speakers: Courtland Merrill & Leah Leyendecker (both from Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr LLP)
How similar is “confusingly” similar? This presentation will address the legal remedies when a competitor uses a name that is close to but not identical to an existing brand name, and will include a discussion of the legal and strategic considerations that counsel and clients should be aware of when addressing such a situation. Real cases will be used as examples. [0.5 Standard CLE]
11:30 am – Noon – Lying Fiduciaries Tied Up in a Pretzel of Conflicts of Interest
Speaker: Katie Crosby Lehmann (Ciresi Conlin LLP)
This presentation will focus on conflicts of interest that fiduciaries regularly find themselves in, how to avoid the conflicts, and how to get out of them. Real world cases will be used as examples and discussion points. [0.5 Ethics CLE]
Noon – 12:15 pm – Break – Lunch Provided
12:15 pm to 1:00 pm – Lunch Session – Mediating and Presiding over Liars
- Judge Thomas S. Fraser (ret.)
- Judge Jay M. Quam (Hennepin County)
- Judge Susan Robiner (Hennepin County)
A panel of esteemed mediators and judges familiar with LCS cases will engage in a lively discussion of their experiences, and will provide insight and guidance on how to mediate with parties and counsel in LCS disputes. Discussion will also include tips on ways to resolve the parties’ differences, and insights into the consequences of failing to do so. A classroom environment will be maintained during the lunch session. [0.5 Standard CLE]
1:00 pm -1:30 pm – Cheating Employees In the New Work-From-Home Era
Speaker: Cynthia Bremer (Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C.)
This presentation will discuss the various ways employees may be cheating their employers in the work-from-home era and how to deal with it without creating legal risk. This presentation will also contain a discussion of the various tips and tricks employees can utilize—without risking their employment—in situations where another employee is attempting to take credit for their work. [0.5 Standard CLE]
1:30 pm – 2:00 pm – Lying Beneficiaries and the Horses (Advisors) They Rode in On
Speakers: Dan Hall (Anthony Ostlund) and Joe Cassioppi (Fredrikson & Byron, P.A.)
This presentation will address the LCS subject matter in the context of trust and estate plans. The presentation will include a discussion of the various actions taken by beneficiaries to trust and estate plans, the legal considerations attendant to those actions, and the advisors that help those beneficiaries (whether properly or improperly) get a bigger piece of the pie. Real world cases will be used as examples. [0.5 Standard CLE]
2:00 pm – 2:30 pm – Stopping the Cheating: Finding the Right Remedy to Halt the Cheating
Speakers: Arthur G. Boylan (Anthony Ostlund) and Karla Vehrs (Ballard Spahr LLP)
This presentation will focus on identifying, pursuing, and achieving the right remedy for a variety of lying, cheating, and stealing situations. It will also contain discussion of the various “tripwires” to avoid in order to obtain the right remedy, a discussion of the various remedies available, and unique insights into injunctive relief as a remedy and how to handle the business while a lawsuit may be pending. [0.5 Standard CLE]
2:30 pm – 2:45 pm – Break
2:45 pm to 3:15 pm – Show Me the Money – Lying Financial Advisors and Broker-Dealers
Speakers: Peter J. McElligott (Anthony Ostlund) and Joe Windler (Winthrop & Weinstine, P.A.)
This presentation will provide discussion and unique insights into the realm of financials advisors and the broker-dealers they work for, and the fiduciary and legal obligations they owe to others. The presentation will include a discussion of the various fiduciary obligations in play, the fee structures used by financial advisors and broker-dealers, and the ways clients and customers can be taken advantage of and what to do about it. [0.5 Standard CLE]
3:15 pm to 3:45 pm – Stealing the Products: Theft of Intellectual Property
Speaker: Jake Holdreith (Robins Kaplan LLP)
This presentation will focus on how to litigate patent issues that arise between contracting parties when one party obtains access to confidential product information. Real world case examples will be used. [0.5 Standard CLE]
3:45 pm to 4:15 pm – Ethical Dilemmas When You Believe Your Corporate Client Has Cheated a Business Partner or the IRS
Speakers: Chris Madel and Jenny Robbins (both from Madel PA)
This presentation will discuss the application of the Minnesota Rules of Professional Responsibility applicable to a lawyer’s knowledge of a cheating client, and in particular will focus on the considerations corporate counsel needs to evaluate when he or she knows that a business partner is (or may be) cheating on another business partner or has put the business at risk with the IRS. [0.5 Ethics CLE]
4:15 pm to 5:30 pm – Networking Happy Hour
Option details and contribution link will be emailed to you upon submission.