Trial boutiques like Anthony Ostlund–led by female CEOs–continue to be rare. Building on our strong reputation, the need to inspire the highest quality of work is critical. From the top down, we are committed to being the most prepared lawyers in the room, especially in an age and profession where diversity and representation are more important to our clients than ever. Our focus on success on behalf of our per diem AND pro bono clients reflects values our firm was founded on. We are honored to be the firm of choice for high stakes business litigation and the trial lawyers clients come to for decisive legal strategy and advice. Anthony Ostlund is proudly women-led.
Latest News
Trial boutiques like Anthony Ostlund–led by female CEOs–continue to be rare. Building on our strong reputation, the need to inspire the highest quality of work is critical. From the top down, we are committed to being the most prepared lawyers in the room, especially in an age and profession where diversity and representation are more important to our clients than ever. Our focus on success on behalf of our...
Articles & Publications
Square Peg (Blockchain) – Round Holes (MN Law): Tokenholder Rights and Obligations in an Ownership Dispute
August 7, 2023
“Create a clever title for an article discussing ChatGPT and its impact on Minnesota lawyers.” – Kathryn Campbell
May 10, 2023